library("XML") xmlfile <- xmlTreeParse("books.xml",useInternalNodes = TRUE) # the xml file is now saved as an object you can easily work with in R: # Use the xmlRoot-function to access the top node xmltop <- xmlRoot(xmlfile) # have a look at the XML-code of the first subnodes: num_books <- xmlSize(xmltop) xmltop[[1]] # number of element nodes num_elements <- xmlSize(xmltop[[1]]) xmltop[[2]] xmltop[[1]][[1]] xmltop[[1]][[2]] xmltop[[1]][[3]] # extract the tag name of an XMLNode object xmlName(xmltop) xmlName(xmltop[[1]]) xmlName(xmltop[[2]]) lib <- xmlChildren(xmltop) # these base R functions work by walking the tree structure names(xmltop) names(xmltop[[1]]) # extract all Values associated with the first node xmlValue(xmltop[[1]]) xmlValue(xmltop[[1]][[2]], recursive = FALSE) xmlSApply(xmltop,xmlValue) #row per book values concatenated xmlApply(xmltop[[1]],xmlValue) # lists xmlApply(xmltop[[1]],function(x) {xmlValue(x)} ) xmlApply(xmltop,function(x) {xmlValue(x)} ) #value per book dd <- unlist(xmlSApply(xmltop,function(x) {xmlValue(x)} )) # initialize the space for the vectors lib_g <- matrix(data = NA, nrow=num_books, ncol =num_elements) for (i in seq_along(1:num_books)) { v <- vector(mode="character", length=num_elements) lib_g[i,] <- v } for (i in seq_along(1:num_books)) { hold <- unlist(xmlApply(xmltop[[i]],xmlValue)) print(hold) lib_g[i,] <- hold } # apply xmlSApply to top and every child node of xmltop #sapply simplifies the structure of the return value to an array lib_list <- xmlSApply(xmltop,function(x) xmlSApply(x, xmlValue)) lib_list # transpose the array t(lib_list) book_df <- # this has duplicate row names so #print(book_df) will generate an error # so remove the row names rownames(book_df) <- c() print(book_df) # or you can use a tibble which will always remove # rownames book_tibble <- as_data_frame(t(lib_list)) # is there a simpler solution? unlist(xmlApply(xmltop[[1]],xmlValue)) unlist(xmlApply(xmltop[[2]],xmlValue)) unlist(xmlApply(xmltop[[1]],xmlAttrs)) # specify an XPATH of the nodes you want italian <- getNodeSet(xmltop, '/bookstore/book/title[@lang="it"]') xmlSApply(italian,xmlValue) english <- getNodeSet(xmltop, '/bookstore/book/title[@lang="en"]') xmlSApply(english,xmlValue) # not what you want to use xmlApply(xmltop,function(x) {xmlValue(x)} ) xmlApply(xmltop,function(x) {xmlValue(x)} )